Monday 25th May. A nice ride to Parnu, with the sun shining and the wind sometimes behind us. The countryside near the coast is often a National Park, either because it is very boggy or because it was used by the military in Soviet times and is therefore mainly unspoilt by human habitation. We passed through forests and the Lindi Bog, a protected area, where there was a watch tower. We saw no animals but there was a track going through the water and over dryer land to a hole. Whose hole? The information board said foxes, raccoons and deer lived there.
All the way along we are often cycling through forests. Where the road is narrow and winding, the forests are beautiful and occasionally you see wild animals but where the road is wider and straight, and the verges have been neatly cut back, forests can get awfully boring. Just on and on, miles of the same.
Going back a bit to the islands. The first one Hiiumaa, seemed much wilder and less developed than the larger Saaremaa. Hiiumaa had more boggy ground, so was less cultivated. There we saw deer, a pine martin and a hare. On Saaremaa there was much more agriculture.
Generally, throughout our journey, in all the countries, there have been people tending their land. Lawns are mown and there are shrubs and attractive flower beds. At the moment there are a lot of red tulips out. The sound of strimmers and mowers is very noticeable, especially at the weekends. There are also plenty of allotments, all very neatly kept.
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