Saturday, May 30, 2015

Two more days on the island of Hiiumaa

We cycled down the Kassari peninsula a little way till the path got too stony. Lots of bird song and a beautiful sandy coast. Then on towards the tip of the Kopu peninsula where there is a lighthouse.  It began to rain.  The short cut along a dirt road got stonier and stonier.  We had to change route and go a longer way round, passed this beautiful looking Orthodox Church. As with most churches it was shut. 
The orthodox community used to be very large but with the war, deportations and the closure of churches in Soviet times, it had dwindled.

We also passed signs of collective farming that has now been abandoned.

Cycling in the rain with the wind against you is very dispiriting.  The road seems endless.  We had booked a hut a a place called Surfers Paradise on the tip of the peninsula. We did eventually arrive, cold and wet, to a very basic site.  The hut just had beds.  Did we really need a heater?  Yes we certainly did.  The pit latrine was a little distance away and the one outside, cold tap quite a bit further.  But there in the hut next to the tap was not only a hot shower, but a sauna.  All was forgiven.

The next day it had stooped raining  and we could enjoy our surroundings.

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