Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Now in Norway

I know nothing about the ipad adventures Katherine and Kellie put into earlier posts.  This is a very dull progress report until there is more of real gritty interest to add.  There will be spelling errors because the spell check is for Norwegian Language and I can't be bothered to follow up all the red underlines; I am using a computer free service in Oslo tourist information.  (It is interesting to nsee which Words are common to the same language)

So, we arrived yesterday minus one bike.  But it followed us on the Next flight one 2 hours later, so we waited at the airport until it did.  Then reset pedals, handlebars and åpumped up.  Late by this time, so took the train to Oslo centre (and found we get half  price as oldies); had intended to cycle.  Bus to camp site, as it was getting more late.  You can put a bike on to an ordinary bus here, and this one was astonishingly crowded but no-on seemed to mind our bikes!  Then, or a bit beforehand, catastrophe (not sure of the spelling of that word, but it is not spelled this was in Norwegian).  Katherine's newly acquited ipad was not with us as it had been left on the plane.  We actually realised this at the airport and went to lost property there, but (so far) to no avail.  One consequence is that there will be no photos on this blog until we resolve a few technical issues.  A download cable from Our camera to the new PC I brough would do this fine.  Who knows?

Now in Oslo centre and whiling away good tourist time doing emails and this blog at the tourist info centre.   So will stop and resume later.



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